Monday, May 4, 2009

Little B in the pool

This past Saturday Brianna and I went to a friends pool for a little grill and swim. As you can see Brianna loved it. She really loves the outdoors and the water. She didn't want to get in her floatie (daddy used it more than she did) because she couldn't swat at the water, so she splashed me the whole time (for a good 45 minutes straight).
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Let's play

We setup a little play center for Brianna and she loves it (so do we).
I'm sporting now...

Brianna loves to get our drinks "water of course"
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Brianna and her box :-)

Little 'B' loves exploring. We recieved this box in the mail, and as I was working, out of the corner of my eye i see the box moving a few inches every few seconds. When I turn around Brianna was sucking on the flaps. So I put her inside with some toys and took some pics.
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